Common Major Psychiatric illnesses

Mental health as defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) is “a state of well being in which the individual recognises his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, maintain healthy relationships , work productively or fruitfully and is able to make contribution to his or her community.”

Mental health like Physical health is important at every stage of life from childhood and adolescence through adulthood and aging.

Mental illness affects 1 in 4 persons.

Mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, ocd etc can affect the quality of life & well being of an individual.

However, negative attitude towards mental health , worsens the mental health problems and stops individuals from seeking help and support.

Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment is important, to lead a productive and fulfilling life.

Common Major Psychiatric illnesses

Mental health as defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) is “a state of well being in which the individual recognises his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, maintain healthy relationships , work productively or fruitfully and is able to make contribution to his or her community.”

Mental health like Physical health is important at every stage of life from childhood and adolescence through adulthood and aging.

Mental illness affects 1 in 4 persons.

Mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, ocd etc can affect the quality of life & well being of an individual.

However, negative attitude towards mental health , worsens the mental health problems and stops individuals from seeking help and support.

Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment is important, to lead a productive and fulfilling life.

Common Major Psychiatric illnesses Issues


  • Feeling sad / persistent low mood
  • Doesn’t feel like doing any activity
  • Stays alone , withdrawn from everyone
  • Sleep and apetite is disturbed
  • Forgets things , lack of attention
  • Feels helpless , hopeless
  • Suicidal ideas

Anxiety Disorders

  • Persistent concern or excessive worry / fear
  • Feeling restless / Gabrahat
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Physical symptoms like : Palpitations, shortness of breath , feeling of choking , chest discomfort, hands tremble/shake , feeling of “butterflies in the stomach”
  • Multiple aches and pains : headache , stomachache etc.
  • Sleep disturbed

OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)

OCD Characterized by Repetitive unwanted and upsetting thoughts associated with severe anxiety (obsessions) And Irrational, excessive urge to do certain actions to relieve the anxiety caused by obsessions (compulsions).

Common examples are

  • Fear of germs and Repetitive hand washing
  • Repetitive checking behavior Or
  • Need to arrange objects in specific order.


  • Feels that people are against him/ her
  • Unusual fear that some one is trying to harm/ kill him/  her
  • Can hear voices even when no one is around
  • Can become aggressive or violent on trivial or no reason
  • Does not sleep properly, eat or take self care
  • Socially Withdrawn
  • Confused or irrelevant talks

Mood Disorders

Characterised by alternating Manic and Depressive Episode.

Manic episode : A distinct period of extremely happy or elevated mood wherein there is;

  • Increased energy / activity levels
  • Patient talks excessively or irrelevantly
  • Making big plans, increased confidence levels
  • Spending a lot of money unnecessarily (buying spree, foolish business investments)
  • Indulging in gambling, drinking excessive alcohol etc
  • Need for Less Sleep
  • Followed by Depression.

Sleep Disorders

  • Problems with quality , timing and amount of Sleep which result in daytime distress or impairment in functioning.
  • Sleep – wake disorders often occur along with mental health conditions such as Depression, Anxiety, Psychosis etc

Dementia (Psychiatric problems in elderly)

  • Memory Problems
  • Forgetfulness
  • Loss of ability to do everyday tasks
  • Personality changes and behavior problems
  • Increased confusion and concentration difficulties.

Common Major Psychiatric illnesses Issues


  • Feeling sad / persistent low mood
  • Doesn’t feel like doing any activity
  • Stays alone , withdrawn from everyone
  • Sleep and apetite is disturbed
  • Forgets things , lack of attention
  • Feels helpless , hopeless
  • Suicidal ideas

Anxiety Disorders

  • Persistent concern or excessive worry / fear
  • Feeling restless / Gabrahat
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Physical symptoms like : Palpitations, shortness of breath , feeling of choking , chest discomfort, hands tremble/shake , feeling of “butterflies in the stomach”
  • Multiple aches and pains : headache , stomachache etc.
  • Sleep disturbed

OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)

OCD Characterized by Repetitive unwanted and upsetting thoughts associated with severe anxiety (obsessions) And Irrational, excessive urge to do certain actions to relieve the anxiety caused by obsessions (compulsions).

Common examples are

  • Fear of germs and Repetitive hand washing
  • Repetitive checking behavior Or
  • Need to arrange objects in specific order.


  • Feels that people are against him/ her
  • Unusual fear that some one is trying to harm/ kill him/  her
  • Can hear voices even when no one is around
  • Can become aggressive or violent on trivial or no reason
  • Does not sleep properly, eat or take self care
  • Socially Withdrawn
  • Confused or irrelevant talks

Mood Disorders

Characterised by alternating Manic and Depressive Episode.

Manic episode : A distinct period of extremely happy or elevated mood wherein there is;

  • Increased energy / activity levels
  • Patient talks excessively or irrelevantly
  • Making big plans, increased confidence levels
  • Spending a lot of money unnecessarily (buying spree, foolish business investments)
  • Indulging in gambling, drinking excessive alcohol etc
  • Need for Less Sleep
  • Followed by Depression.

Sleep Disorders

  • Problems with quality , timing and amount of Sleep which result in daytime distress or impairment in functioning.
  • Sleep – wake disorders often occur along with mental health conditions such as Depression, Anxiety, Psychosis etc

Dementia (Psychiatric problems in elderly)

  • Memory Problems
  • Forgetfulness
  • Loss of ability to do everyday tasks
  • Personality changes and behavior problems
  • Increased confusion and concentration difficulties.